Blue Archive – Get Set, Go! Event Overview

Following the release of the previous rerun event, we are now greeted with a new event rerun "Get Set, Go!". It features a returning welfare student Hasumi (Track), who will be given for free at Unique Equipment 50 for completing the first story stage of the event.

Unlike most events, there will be 4 event currencies available for you to farm and the return of an older minigame, Dice Race. If you plan to pull for or have students from Millennium or Trinity, you want to raise. This will be a good time to stock up on Credits, Activity Reports, and Enhancement Stones. via the Dice Race.

Currency Drops per Stage
Bolded text is the best stage to farm the currency

  • Relay Baton: Stage 5, Stage 9
  • Red Bean Bun: Stage 6, Stage 10
  • Information Pamphlet: Stage 7, Stage 11
  • Sports Drink: Stage 8, Stage 12

Something else to consider for when farming are the Artifacts that are dropped in these stages. Feel free to prioritize them if you really need the drops to raise your student’s skills.

Artifact Drops per stage
Note that higher difficulty stages have better drops.

  • Nimrod Lens: Stage 1, Stage 5, Stage 9
  • Haniwa: Stage 2, Stage 6, Stage 10
  • Voynich Manuscript: Stage 3, Stage 7, Stage 11
  • Phaistos Disc: Stage 4, Stage 8, Stage 12

Shops, and Milestones

Relay Baton

First off, we have the Relay Baton shop, which contains Hasumi Elephs, Activity Reports, and Tech Notes. As usual, grab all Tech Notes first, the choice of whether to take Millennium or Trinity first mostly depends on which students you plan to raise. For newer players, you may also want to consider grabbing the Activity Reports. Hasumi Elephs can mostly be ignored, as nowadays, borrowing a Mika is enough to clear Piercing Raids up to Insane difficulty.

Characters with Events bonuses:

20% Drop Up

10% Drop Up

Red Bean Bun

Moving on to the next Event Currency, we have Anpan. This shop is similar to the previous shop but has Enhancement Stones and Blu-rays instead. Prioritize grabbing the Blu-rays since you will need quite a bit of them to raise students' skills to the max. As for the Enhancement Stones, you can skip these since you can always buy them from the normal shop. Yuuka Elephs isn't a bad investment, as she can find usage in several raids. However, she is farmable and a low-rarity student, so you are bound to get her Elephs from pulling gacha or farming Hard Stages.

Characters with Events bonuses:

20% Drop Up

10% Drop Up

Information Pamphlet

Next, we have the Information Pamphlet shop, which consists of Gifts and Artifacts. The highest priority items here should be the Artifacts since you will need to raise students’ skills. If you pulled for either T.Yuuka or T.Mari then we highly recommend prioritizing their respective Artifacts to help raise their skills. Next, you can go for Haruna Elephs if you want to speed up the process of getting her to UE50. As for the Gifts, grab them if you want them. Otherwise, we recommend spending the AP elsewhere.

Characters with Events bonuses

20% Drop Up

10% Drop Up

Sports Drink

Lastly, the final event currency Sports Drink is used to roll a dice in the Dice Race minigame. Unlike the original run of this event, T.Hasumi fragments have been removed to be replaced with item boxes, which provide you with Equipment Blueprints. Additionally, Dice Rolls now costs 500 Sports Drinks instead of 150, which may make it difficult to complete the full 20 laps needed for the extra rewards. If you do not want to farm this event, we recommend at least doing 10 laps to obtain the Secret Tech Note.