Hearthstone - Delve into Deepholm

Hearthstone Standard Meta Tier List – Delve Into Deepholm – Patch 28.4

The best Hearthstone meta decks for every class, for the Patch 28.4 Delve into Deepholm Mini-Set.

Learn more about the Hearthstone Showdown in the Badlands Expansion's Mini-Set Delve into Deepholm (Patch 28.4) Standard metagame with our tailored Meta Tier List. Here, you'll find every deck for each class, tested and refined, to help you reach the Legend rank!

Hearthstone Standard Meta Overview

Hearthstone - Delve into Deepholm

The Mini-Set didn't bring a lot of new archetypes, rather support to several doing well already, which looks like it widened the gap between the top and the bottom classes. Paladin and Druid in particular, have looked absolutely insane early after the mini-set, using the mining package for Uther, while Malfurion is happily abusing Pendant of Earth and Shattered Reflection in various archetypes.

However, if these two heroes already were dominant before the mini-set, and only got stronger with the new cards, Warlock and Warrior look significantly better now. For Gul'dan, we could explain this through getting two new direct damage tools in the mini-set, Trogg Gemtosser and Chaos Creation. With these additions, the deck can play much more aggressively, knowing it can close the match even if the board is lost, a much more difficult task to accomplish before the Mini-Set.

As for Garrosh, it is the only class using a new archetype, Highlander Warrior, pushed by the new Brann, expected to be a powerhouse when revealed, and living up to the hype so far. The deck looks like a control build, but becomes a very midrange-y kind of deck once it triggers every battle cry twice for the rest of the game.

So far, these four really are the dominant ones if we look at Hearthstone from a general standpoint, but combo-oriented archetypes are able to compete when checking the top of the Legend ranks specifically. Then, even if ranked in Tier 2, Mining Rogue and Aggro Naga Demon Hunter seem to have the most potential to join Tier 1 in the near future. As for Plague Death Knight, the deck isn't including any new card, and often feels outpaced by its opponent whenever it can get a great start into a match. Then, even if the deck still holds a decent place in the metagame, the archetype might be on the downfall as we speak.

In the tier below, Hunter and Shaman are also suffering from the new tools they got not making much of an impact. While we could expect this for Hunter, which saw the Arcane build overtake the Highlander deck, Thrall received several promising cards, but doesn't seem able to incorporate them well into its signature archetype. As it stands, the Highlander Shaman deck looks fairly similar to what it was before the mini-set came out, except various other decks have progressed, and are now faster off the gate, or able to pressure almost indefinitely thanks to cards like Topior or Brann providing an insane amount of value. If Thrall was to find a list able to compete, I have no doubt Highlander Shaman could reach the tier above, but the list able to do that is still up in the air as we speak.

In the last group, Mage and Priest simply look like the mini-set had no impact on them, with both classes struggling to make an impact as a result. Mage was decent as long as Shaman was around to provide a good match-up. In this different metagame, Jaina doesn't really have that opponent it can counter, and it immediately shows on its overall performance. As for Anduin, Naga Priest was solid into Druid before the mini-set and might still be, but that is about the only upside currently for Priest. Then, the class logically went back to its aggressive archetype in Undead Priest. Note that Automaton Priest wasn't so far behind, even if both archetype were below the 50% win rate threshold at all ranks.

Best Hearthstone Deck for Every Class - Delve into Deepholm - Patch 28.4

TierDeck ArchetypeDeck Code
Tier 1Mining Buff PaladinAAECAZ8FAo3+BZOeBg7JoATavQSrkwWBlgWgmQXBxAXKgwbQgwaFjga8jwaOlQa1ngbIogbOsAYAAA==
Tier 1Nature Dragon DruideAAECAe2/BATv3gSs0QXBlQaXoAYNrp8E158ErsAEst0E1t4E7KMF2f8F/Y0Gu5UG15wG2JwGrJ4GmqAGAAA=
Tier 1Sludge WarlockAAECAa35AwKAngamqAYOhKAEx8IFyMIF3cIF1/oFhY4GlZcGlpcGl5cGmJcGm6AGoqAGq6AG96MGAA==
Tier 1Highlander WarriorAAECAQcohqAEiKAEjLcElrcE884EjtQEkNQEltQEl+8EzJIF4qQFrcMFr8MF/cQF8M0FqOAFre0FrfUFpfYFtPgFtfgF/vgFkPsFl/sFpPsF2IEGhYIGyoMG0IMGko4GwpEGi5QG6JgG65gGnJ4Gn54GzZ4G0Z4Gr6gG0LAGAAA=
Tier 2Mining RogueAAECAaIHCOWwBNu5BMygBYukBdCUBo6WBuSYBuvDBQv2nwT3nwTj0wT13QShkwXfwwW/9wXKgwbIlAbJlAbQngYAAA==
Tier 2Plague Death KnightAAECAYjaBQjlsATipAX4+QWT+wXt/wWplQb/lwbkmAYLh/YEopkF9fcFgvgF8vgFu/kF6/8FyoMG0IMG9YwG85EGAA==
Tier 2Aggro Naga Demon HunterAAECAea5AwL3wwWkkgUOiLIEmLoE+b8EpeIElaoF2dAF5OQF4fgFxfkFkIMGhpAGjZAGnJoG7p4GAAA=
Tier 3Arcane HunterAAECAbv5AwSXoASGyQSwkgXX+QUNqp8EwNMEp5AFmpIFqpIFqZMFqqQF8/IFyvYFkIMGhY4GwZwGjp4GAAA=
Tier 3Highlander ShamanAAECAaoIHv2fBOWwBOC1BJa3BMbOBKrZBOnZBOmjBeKkBf3EBb7QBeXkBfboBc3uBfTyBY31BYf7BfmMBqmVBumVBuSYBqudBq2dBq+oBpOeBs6wBpyeBp+eBsqDBtCDBgAAAQP/4QT9xAXI0AX9xAWdngb9xAUAAA==
Tier 4Sif Mining MageAAECAf0EBuWwBOv0BdH4BfGABtaYBvKbBgyqmAWrmAXs9gW//gXY/gXKgwaVhwaFjgaDlQbzmwaznAayngYAAA==
Tier 4Undead PriestAAECAa0GAr6iBs/2BQ6h6AO+nwTb8QSGgwXukQWJkwWSkwWgmQWimQWTnQXbpAXdpAWUxAWC7AUAAA==

Impactful, Second Best Decks - Delve into Deepholm - Patch 28.4

TierDeck ArchetypeCode
Tier 2Treant DruidAAECAZICAA/XnwSuwASozgSB1ASy3QS14wSxmAXsowX93wXO5AWw+gXZ/wW1mgbYnAasngYAAA==
Tier 2Earthen PaladinAAECAZ8FBobiBIOWBcHEBYv+BY3+BZOeBgzJoATavQSBlgXu6QWK/gXCggbjjga8jwaOlQa1ngbIogbOsAYAAA==
Tier 2Dragon DruidAAECAZICBLCKBLWKBOKkBcGVBg2unwSQtQSuwASywQSjkwX93wWn+gW7lQa8lQa9lQbXnAbYnAbanAYAAA==
Tier 2XL Ramp DruidAAECAZICCuWwBO/eBJfvBMbHBazRBZ/zBf2NBqmVBsGVBq+oBg+JnwSunwTanwSNsgSuwATW3gSE7wS2mAXb+gXx+gW+lQbYnAapngaXoAaaoAYAAA==
Tier 3Thaddius WarlockAAECAf0GBKiKBP/hBMKlBfr5BQ2PnwSxnwSlkgWFkwWdpAXFpAX0xgXu/QWXlwaEngbEngbXogb3owYAAA==
Tier 3Rainbow Death Knight AAECAfHhBAaZgQXLpQX8+QXt/wWLkgb/lwYMoaAEy+IE8OME2fEEh/YEtPcEmIEFkpMFl5UGkZcGzpwG16IGAAA=

Disclaimer and Tier Explanations

There are a variety of ways to be informed about the Hearthstone metagame, a logical trait of a 10 years old game. In order to craft this tier list, den, a veteran coach and competitor on Hearthstone, has combined the data available on the popular deck trackers, the opinion of top ranked players about the dominant decks, and its own expertise plus tested of the archetypes on this list.

This list should represent the Diamond and Legend ranks pretty well, with the very top of the ladder being excluded. Indeed, once you reach the top of the Legend rank, the game changes and focuses much more on combo and explosive patterns, which require a lot of time to master completely. Then, you will typically see different decks perform at those ranks, or archetypes be built to specifically match the environment of these ranks.

As for the ranks before Diamond, those tend to be more about game fundamentals rather than precise archetypes. One should be able to reach Diamond with any deck on the rankings, as long as they understand the basics of crafting a game plan, seizing initiative, and building momentum to pressure the opponent.

The lists aren't set in stone, particularly the reactive decks, which need to be tailored to your most popular opponent. Often, a proactive deck will focus on its own strengths, leading to a decklist which isn't very flexible once we found the right balance. On the other end, a reactive deck is designed to answer other decks, or trends of the metagame, meaning they have to be adapted to your own environment.

Tier 1: Decks with a stellar win rate, around or above the 60% mark, and more than a thousand games with that win rate. Either their match-up spread is great in the current environment, or they rely on game mechanics which are simple enough to suit a large variety of player, boosting their performance over large sample sizes.
Particularly before the Legend Rank, these decks should be ideal to climb steadily.

Tier 2: Solid decks in the current metagame, with a win rate north of 53% and the ability to compete against a large variety of decks. Typically, these decks will require a little more knowledge of the game fundamentals, or the current environment in order to put up the same win rate as a Tier 1 deck.

Tier 3: Decks with something holding them back currently, either their sheer power compared to other decks, or a bad match-up being too unpopular.
Particularly on the road to the Legend rank, decks need to be able to fight for initiative, and stop an opponent able to snowball in the early to mid-game. Unfortunately, some classes simply don't have the tools for that.

Tier 4: Struggling heroes, either lacking in overall power level or being bullied by some of the popular classes in the metagame.


For any question about the rankings, or a deck in particular, feel free to reach out on Twitter. I mostly share Marvel Snap decks lately, but I still love and play Hearthstone daily, I promise.

Good game everyone!


Den has been in love with strategy games for as long as he can remember, starting with the Heroes of Might and Magic series as a kid. Card games came around the middle school - Yu-Gi-Oh! and then Magic: The Gathering.

Hearthstone and Legends of Runeterra has been his real breakthrough and he has been a coach, writer, and caster on the French scene for many years now. He now coaches aspiring pro players and writes various articles on these games.

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